Sunday, August 23, 2020
Education Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Instruction Questions - Essay Example The rest are a piece of these two general gatherings and this has been talked about beneath (Oluwatelure and Oloruntegbe, 2010). Scholastic advantages when families are extraordinarily engaged with children’s scholarly lives, we begin to see upgrades in grades, test scores rise and the understudies perspectives towards school work improves. The impact may not be a circumstances and logical results one yet I t has been seen that with time these enhancements are found in the students’ scholarly life. It has been discovered that these understudies will finish schoolwork on schedule, odds of them being put in a specialized curriculum will be insignificant, and they try out postsecondary training all the more regularly. It has been discovered that parents’ mentalities and other relatives go far in helping these understudies understand the significance of training. It is particularly obvious when these understudies are in a family that numerous individuals are believed to perform well at school (Jeynes, 2005). Social advantages the advantages of a solid family-school relationship have been found to reach out past simply the scholarly work to the individual exercises and practices of the youngsters. Above all else the association of family improves the conduct of youngsters at school with the end goal that the kids are urged to embrace positive conduct since they comprehend the outcomes of freak conduct at school. They understand that the instructor will at last get the report to their folks about their unbecoming conduct. Contrasted with different situations where the family isn't included the understudies have higher odds of taking part in freak conduct at school. For instance higher participation rates and lower drop out rates are seen because of solid family-school connections (Georgiou and Jourva, 2007). Solid family-school relationship likewise adds to higher confidence in kids. This is on the grounds that the youngsters feel that their folk s are worried about them doing admirably in school. They are persuaded to perform higher on the grounds that the guardians along with are inspiring them. In the event that they bomb guardians are there for them attempting to recognize where mix-ups originated from and what they can do to improve the circumstance. This will support the children’s resolve and thus lead to higher confidence (Georgiou and Jourva, 2007). The following social advantage is that the kids have a high likelihood of keeping away from high hazard conduct that is normal for young people. The guardians and instructors are accessible all the time forming mentalities and their practices. This type of direction imparts discipline and an awareness of other's expectations in the youngsters with the end goal that they comprehend the results of taking part in unseemly conduct. Over the long haul they can experience the juvenile stage with insignificant issues. Contrasted with other kids whose guardians are not as sociated with their school exercises it tends to be seen that such understudies are normally overwhelmed by the difficulties in youthful stage and start participating in early sexual movement, some may begin utilizing medications and all these are an aftereffect of companion weight and absence of direction from guardians (Georgiou and Jourva, 2007). Question 3: parts of Parent-Teacher gathering The parent instructor meeting is a sort of meeting between the educator and the parent that gives a parent a short continuous timeframe with the child’
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Appeal Court Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Appeal Court - Research Paper Example The intrigue depended on the way that the proof set forth by the arraignment was not adequate enough to demonstrate him liable and the choice ought to be turned around for the litigant. As indicated by the case, the indictment in the preliminary court proposed that both Jonathan Parker and Leroy Lewis were opiates vendors and that Parker had slaughtered his partner Lewis in light of his inability to share the ransacked cocaine similarly among themselves.The arraignment contended that Parker shot Lewis on his head subsequent to finding that Lewis had lied about the aggregate sum of opiates taken. The indictment roped in three other street pharmacists to fortify their contention. On the opposite side, Jonathan Parker offered that the proof set forth by the legislature was not immediate yet an off-base derivation which was deducted out of irrelevant exercises. His principle protection focuses were that there was no onlooker to affirm the shooting or to give any announcements worried abo ut the shooting. The arraignment likewise couldn't demonstrate the coordinating of DNA or fingerprints nor the intention in the slaughtering. They likewise neglected to discover or recognize the weapon utilized for slaughtering Lewis. The above case shows how the indictment utilized conditional proof to introduce their case. The interests court, for this situation, needed to invert the choice as this conditional proof doesn't remain as outright proof against the appealing party. The court choice must be founded on solid proof which underpins the finish of the induction drawn by the indictment against the litigant.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pyramus and Thisby Essay Example for Free
Pyramus and Thisby Essay Despite that, Bottom believes his acting to be noteworthy, so striking that he wants to play all the characters of Pyramus and Thisby. I will thunder you as delicately as any sucking dove; I will thunder you a twere any songbird. Base feels that he is completely equipped for assuming the job of a delicate, beguiling Thisby, and even that of a hugely astonishing lion. This attribute of his is extremely successful in creating diversion as he gullibly presumes that only he can deal with the creation of Pyramus and Thisby. Conflictingly, his presentation as Pyramus alone is somewhat disturbing. Presently bite the dust, bite the dust, bite the dust, kick the bucket, pass on. Base makes a decent attempt to persuade the crowd of Pyramus passing. The word pass on is rehashed multiple times, inferring how relentlessly Bottom attempts to guarantee the spectators that he is undeniably dead. This starts some last gaiety on Bottoms stupidly crazy personality. Bottoms change into a jackass is another diverting piece of the play. What makes this characteristic all the all the more engaging is his ignorance about it all through the play. I see their knavery. This to make an ass of me, to dismay me, on the off chance that they could. Base never understands the extreme change he has experienced and powerfully enhances the diversion of the parody since he drives every one of his activities ordinarily, never grasping how anomalous he looks. Likewise viable in this discourse of Bottoms is the use of the word ass as a quip. He is totally ignorant that at the exact second that he is articulating the exchange, an ass is actually what he looks. His revelation of the other laborers making an ass of him is additionally diverting since his name Bottom as of now implies his reality as an ass. Besides, is the levity of Bottoms sentiment with Titania. New to the pixies, Bottom is a long way from securing why Titania admits love for him. Methinks special lady, you ought to have little purpose behind that. But, to state reality, reason and love stay with minimal together now-a-days. Bottoms proclamation is significantly fit to the occasion, not exclusively to depict his circumstance yet additionally that of the four darlings. Like Lysanders godlike line, The course of genuine romance never ran smooth, Bottoms assessment works out in a good way for the obstructions and difficulties that have created in the play. Notwithstanding that, it doesn't stop the craziness of his and Titanias contact from enlarging the silliness of the Elizabethan satire. O how I love thee! How I idolize thee! Titanias love for Bottom is completely outlandish. Being the sovereign of the pixies, she has probably the most noteworthy position in the play, while Bottom being a worker, has the least. The pixies additionally believe themselves to be of an a lot higher situation than insignificant individuals. Even with this, Titania loses both brain and body to an ass-headed and terrible Bottom, a low class laborer. This proficiently enlightens the obstructions that the adoration juice can realize and the neglectfulness that appends itself to all that experience it. The focal figure of this Elizabethan satire is Puck, the insidious sprite. He leads all the acting of the play; all the disarray, all the fiendishness, starts with him. What, a play toward! Sick be a reviewer, An entertainer too maybe, in the event that I see cause. Indeed, even before observing any of the dramatization, Puck has plans to have an impact in it. Aside from being Master of Revels to Oberon, Puck shapes his very own calendar; he generally fulfills his inclinations and interests. This makes the crowd progressively cognisant of the duplicity and complexities going on in the play. Not being identified with either the pixies or the darlings, the mechanicals have no motivation to be an objective of Pucks tricks. Correspondingly, his inclusion in the disturbance of their practices demonstrates how he has his free redirections. The jobs and characteristics of Theseus, Hippolyta and Philostrate are somewhat like those of Oberon, Titania and Puck. In dramatic exhibitions of A Midsummer Nights Dream, the on-screen characters assuming the jobs of Theseus, Hippolyta and Philostrate regularly will in general assume the jobs of Oberon, Titania and Puck, separately. Corresponding to this, Philostrate and Puck have undifferentiated from qualities as Master of Revels. Toward the start of the play, Theseus advises Philostrate to spread festival and delight of the marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta. Work up the Athenian youth to good times, Wakeful the saucy and deft soul of jollity, Midsummers Eve was generally a period for celebrating with enrichment, greenery and a feeling of enchantment. Philostrate complies with the sets of Theseus as Puck obeys Oberon. Puck enters the play as an impression of Philostrate, spreading enchantment and ruin with a wicked side to every one of his goals. In any case, Puck makes a basic slip-up in the midst of his bubbly tricks. The feature of the play is Pucks misconception of Lysander for Demetrius. Did you not disclose to me that I should know the man By the Athenian pieces of clothing he had on? Puck makes a simple mistake with the adoration juice. Requested to perceive Demetrius by his clothing, he confuses Lysander with him. This makes certain to affect some pressure on the crowds part as they understand that something mistaking can occur for the use of the adoration juice to an inappropriate individual. It additionally intensely denotes an Elizabethan satire since it opens the second period of the play, where confusion is at its pinnacle. The affection juice is the key component of this lighthearted comedy. Love and kinship go to scorn in a second, and the other way around. Harmful Hermia, most unreasonable house keeper, Have you schemed, have you with these imagined, To lure me with this foul criticism? Helena blames Hermia for purposely setting up Lysander and Demetrius love for her, to deride her and embarrass her. The adoration juice has genuinely misshaped the connections among the four sweethearts. The reason and places of affection and scorn have traded. The conditions change over in a second and later, return to typical in the bat of an eye. This proficiently improves the possibility of a fantasy. The spectators will themselves be compelled to think about whether all that had happened was genuine, or only a fantasy. In spite of the way that adoration and friendship immediately transfigure into offensiveness, all the displeasure and vexation needs acrimony. Get you gone, you overshadow, You minimus, of preventing hitch grass made, You globule, you oak seed. The harshness among the sweethearts will in general be to some degree mellow mirroring that past adoration has abruptly changed into hostility. The abuse, in spite of the fact that vociferated under strain and uneasiness, don't appear to be earnestly as they are deciphered among the darlings. This aides in enhancing the silliness. The words diminutive person, dab and oak seed are minor, wonderful things that have been utilized as objects of offense. Understood intensely in the midst of the characters, these abuse are impetuses to chuckling from the watchers as they barely start any indignation or embarrassment. At the point when the plays center comes back to the focal point of civilisation in Athens, there is amicability, harmony and the request for marriage for all couples. Marriage itself is one of the main attributes of an Elizabethan satire. During the Elizabethan period, comedies usually followed the example of request and harmony toward the start, trailed by extraordinary tumult, and completion in congruity with a union with mark the arrival of request. It can thus be reasoned that A Midsummer Nights Dream is a thoroughgoing Elizabethan parody. However, all through the play, the sweethearts and their affection is ridiculed. Cupid is a shameful fellow, All the affection and its complexities, the tension, misfortune, distress, mourning and broken hearts are the lovely elements of a top notch disaster. In any case, A Midsummer Nights Dream is purposefully evolved as a lighthearted comedy, with the problematic components to check its middle. The watchers can proficiently observe all the arcane parts of adoration and commitment, and simultaneously, appreciate the amusingness of sentiment. The consummation of the play is incredibly fit to polish off the disarray and false impressions of the past. In the epilog, the on-screen character assuming the job of Puck ventures unusual to address the watchers. That you have however slept here No additionally yielding yet a fantasy, The crowd is tended to with a conciliatory sentiment for any inadmissible or culpable introductions. This aides in closure the show on a happy and warm note. The notice of a fantasy makes the ideal subject for the epilog; it relates back to the circumstances of the four darlings where complexities and frictions were made look like a fantasy. As I would like to think, William Shakespeare has been immensely fruitful in depicting this play as Elizabethan satire. I enjoyed the structure of request toward the start, trailed by misery and clutter and a consummation with union with reestablish satisfaction for all. A Midsummer Nights Dream is by a long shot the best play of William Shakespeare that I have perused. I have adored the storyline and the cleverness too the unbelievable characters.
Work teams Essay Example
Work groups Essay The fundamental focal point of the examination is on the elements that are probably going to impact the degree of learning of colleagues of a global association that has effect on how the groups will perform and relate inside the association. As indicated by the examination investigations that have been conveyed by different analysts in the zone of authoritative learning and execution of groups, the elements that influence the learning procedure of groups in a worldwide organization and thus influence the organization’s execution are assembled into two gathering; those that are inside the association itself and those that originate from outside. The elements inside the association for this situation considering an auxiliary of a global association remember the distinctions for the foundations of the representatives of the association like the social foundations, strict foundations, racial foundation, sex and age among others, the perspectives of the colleagues, the organization’s procedures of creation, and socioeconomics among others. Every one of these components inside the association influence the learning of the colleagues in a manner that if the administration of the association considers this elements and offers backing to them colleagues then the learning procedure will be simple and execution norms will improve a lot when contrasted with the associations where such a thought isn't given to the colleagues. We will compose a custom exposition test on Work groups explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Work groups explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Work groups explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer As concerning the elements out of the control of a worldwide organization, not may inquires about have given indisputable outcomes for those outside variables in light of the fact that the territory of research is all the more wide creation examine progressively troublesome. In spite of the fact that that is by all accounts the case the outer elements like structure of the worldwide association, worldwide coordination of firms in the business condition, overall learning and the neighborhood responsiveness of an auxiliary of an association among different factors in the outside condition of a global influence the learning of groups in an association and its exhibition levels. At the point when the association is planning its exercises well with different organizations, when it urges people to gain from others in different associations, the auxiliaries can bolster themselves in the creation of products and enterprises and when it can make their structures adaptable to the diverse geological areas group learning will be upheld and this will likewise enhance the exhibition of the groups in the associations. The ends that than be produced using the investigation of group learning, group execution and relations is that when the learning of people is upheld by utilizing different help strategies accessible in the associations they will have the option to utilize the information that they have procured to enhance their relational relations in the association making solid securities in their groups and work for the best of the association as such improve the presentation of the association. Nhung T. Nguyen, Anson Seers, Nathan S. Hartman (2008). Putting great face on impression the board: group citizenship and group fulfillment. Foundation of conduct and applied administration, 148-168. In this article the connection between an individual attempting to make a positive picture of that person to the colleagues and to the association all in all and how this is probably going to impact the exhibition of an association is broke down. In a few if not most cases people working in an association will need to be viewed as acceptable representatives, by the administration and the individuals from the association that they partner with. The impacts of people needing to depict such great pictures either by faking them or being genuine are being scrutinized a ton. At the point when an individual is attempting to make a decent picture of oneself he is probably going to draw in numerous individuals around the person in question that will naturally shape an a gathering in an association. The impact will be that his acceptable charactersâ will impact the colleagues work for the wellbeing of the association give the colleagues trust in the picture that you have depicted to them. Individuals will need to connect themselves with the individuals who are being lauded in a positive manner in the association. To be related to that individual you must have the option to act and adjust to the way the individual who motivates you is acting. At that point impression the board will be said to construct working group that will participate to enhance the organization’s execution. On the opposite side the suggestions that may emerge from an individual needing to make a decent picture of oneself will be that if the individual is doing that for his own narrow minded intrigue and different individuals find that it will make question among the individuals which will lead connections inside the workers the outcome in absence of coordination in conveying the exercises of the association prompting lackluster showing. The suggestions that can be made for this investigation is that the workers ought to be educated on the need to depict their genuine pictures and make positive picture upgrades for the valid justifications just as that will be the main way others will be emphatically affected to represent the best of the association. Anat Drach-Zahavy, Anat Somech (2000). Group heterogeneity and its relationship with group backing and group viability. Diary of instructive organization, 40, 1. Recovered on the web: As talked about in the article people who work in an association are not no different they have contrasts that will assist with distinguishing every individual as remarkable. Individuals in an association have distinctive work encounters, scholastic capabilities, viewpoints, sexual orientation, religion, abilities in addition to other things that can separate individuals working in an association. Every one of these distinctions in individuals working in an association if very much oversaw will assist an association with carrying out its exercises well since individuals will be doled out to take a shot at obligations and undertakings that they will have the option to complete well. At the point when contrasts that exist in individuals in an association are all around dealt with the association will energize great relational connections between its representatives who will urge each other to work productively and successfully to benefit the hierarchical objectives and destinations. Since associations likewise vary in the idea of exercises that they do the route heterogeneity in the individuals from their groups contrast just as the outcomes that will be accomplished by the associations. Heterogeneity in an association can be ordered into two gatherings; one that identifies with the errands a group can perform and the one that depends on the connections that the colleagues have. At the point when the distinctions are related to the undertakings that group can act in an association this will bolster the colleagues to work for the hierarchical objectives since they will coordinate and supplementing each other in doing their obligations well. For a situation where individuals are shaping gatherings as a result of the unique relationship intrigues that they have with one another then there is an issue in this as they are likely impact each other to a degree that they free spotlight on the primary objectives and goals of the association. Another issue that has been talked about concerning the heterogeneity of groups in an association in this article is the one that identifies with how to improve the exhibition of groups in an association. Much accentuation has been made to ensuring that the gatherings are all around coordinated and this should be done when framing individuals into bunches by guaranteeing that the individuals can have the option to help out one another. The groups additionally ought to be relegated to the occupations that they can have the option to do thinking about their capacities. Steady observing of the groups in an association is likewise supported for if the group viability is to be accomplished. By checking the groups continually the association will have the option to decide the various issues that the groups are looking in doing their obligations, will be capable likewise to decide the degree of impact that the groups have on their individuals and on the results of the association. The association can likewise utilize the past experience it has had with various work groups to set an appropriate help system for every one of its groups as this will construct solid group bonds that will cooperate in concordance to accomplish the best for the association In finishing up group the executives and backing ought to be given consideration in an association since all the individuals from an association have a place with at least one groups in an association and giving them support in their endeavors of conveying the exercises of an association will have the option to urge them to function admirably and make the best choice constantly while in the association. Anat Drach-Zahavy, Anat Somech (2000). Group heterogeneity and its relationship with group backing and group viability. Diary of instructive organization, 40, 1. Recovered on the web: The writers of the article from Mount Carmel Haifa in Israel utilized a few research examinations that have been made in the instructive foundations to talk about how the distinctions of colleagues can be taken care of so as make great connections in the groups that will urge them to cooperate in congruity to accomplish the best outcomes for the association. They broke down a few factors inside the association that are probably going to influence and impact group execution like group building and choice of people to the particular gatherings. Mary Z.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Sources of Short Narrative Essay
Sources of Short Narrative EssayWhen writing a short narrative essay you should collect samples of short narrative essays from the writers who have achieved the fame of their writing. These short essays will help you create a well thought out and well structured essay.You should start by selecting the theme for your essay. You can choose either the topic related to personal experiences or the history. All you need to do is choose a topic that can be related to your life or vice versa.If you want to write about personal experiences, you should know where you are going to use the short essay. If you are going to submit the essay to an academic journal, you must know that it is rare to find such essays in a written form. The best way to choose the topics for your essay is to search for the essay from a writer who has won the prizes of that particular issue. But if you do not want to leave out some great writers, you can also opt for submission of the essay to a print magazine.Write down the story of the short story you wrote and think whether you have the right notes to make it better. If you have completed writing the short story but not yet able to publish it, get the assistance of an editor. If you feel that the short story you have written is not suitable for the submission, you can also ask a friend or family member to go through the same with you.You can use the samples of the short story as your basis for creating the essay. You can use the idea of the short story as the outline of your own novel. You can use the sample as a platform to start writing your own novel and it will make the process much easier for you.You can even use the samples of the short story as a catalyst to write the essay. Select a topic related to a certain event or a family tradition, for example. Once you get started, you can think of ways on how to give a creative twist to the story. Even if the sample contains details of a historical event, you can still create a novel by making so me changes to the details.Thus, if you are planning to write a short narrative essay, you can collect samples of short narrative essays from the writers who have achieved the fame of their writing. These short essays will help you create a well thought out and well structured essay.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Computers and Screen Technology & Cognitive Development - 1100 Words
Effects of Computers and Screen Technology on Cognitive Development (Essay Sample) Content: Student NameStudent NumberTeacherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameEffects of computers and screen technology on cognitive development1147 wordsIntroductionIn Contrast to popular belief, the brain is not fixed and can alter its own structure and function: this happens even at old age. This discovery is called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is focused on the flexibility of the brain to change. This discovery gave hope to many people with mental limitations and brain damage. For them, it meant that there was still hope and their brain structure could still be altered to suit them. For example, there was a woman who was born with half a brain and later it rewired itself to work as a complete brain: this remarkable occurrence happened with brain exercises.Although it might seem like science fiction, the reality of neuroplasticity is remarkable and in practice in many parts of the world. Machines have been developed by scientists to monitor these changes and document them. So this is not fiction, it is a reality that has been proven through experiments. The machines also enable scientists to monitor these changes and be able to read peoplesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ thoughts. The advantage of this is that they can control computers and other electronics, just by thinking. It also offers the possibility of people of average intelligence to improve their perception and cognitive ability (McClellan, 2005). However, screen technology to monitor cognitive development has its own merits and demerits as debated below:At old age, people tend to lose their focus and tend to be more distracted by everything that is happening around them: making them very scared that they might be losing their mind. However, a study carried out at the University of California, by neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley, found out that a computer game known as NeuroRacer can assist old people to regain and improve their brain's ability to multitaskà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ and also seems to improve on their everyday brain functionin g.This game is a three-dimensional video game, which involves the player steering a car in a hilly and winding road, using their left thumb: at the same time looking for signs that might pop up randomly. If the sign is of a certain color and shape, they have to shoot it using their right thumb. This multitasking on focusing and switching tasks and working on memory uses different cognitive skills at once just like in a real life situation. The game also improved other cognitive abilities that were not tested. This study showed how the brain's activity patterns changed in relations to cognitive skillsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬in a positive way.Also, some of the best games can create a conducive learning environment, by developing the brainà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s ability to solve problems and adapt to new twists and turnsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬this is very beneficial in learning environment, where new knowledge is introduced and the brain forced to adapt to the new information. Since in a game the, the player is able to adapt to new virtual scenarios and able to solve the problems that arise fast enough, this is a good training ground to develop oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s learning and problem-solving skills.James Paul Gee, the author of What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy, points out that academic subjects such as biology and history, are like games. In these subjects, scientist interact and act in relations to certain values and identities and use their knowledge and information to achieve certain goals and tasks. Therefore, he concluded that learning science should be like learning how to play a video game. (Abbott, 2013)The cons include the following:Although games might be very beneficial to learning and brain development, they have to be used well to be effective and students need to be supervised by an adult who understands learning and games; to encourage them to focus and reflect on what they are doing when playing the games. This activity takes more of the teacherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ s time; more than a standard lesson could have taken. Therefore, one wonders whether ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s beneficial to use computer games in the learning environment.If learning and cognitive development were to be focused on screen technology, what will the future look like? There will be a case where a person will be checking five emails and having a conversation and eating at the same timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬in the spirit of multitasking. How beneficial is that? (McClellan, 2005)Also watching television and playing games has been associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This disorder has led to poor performance in school and increased aggression, among teenagers and children. This is mainly due to exposure to television and video games at an early age (Swing et al., 2010). The assumption is that most of the television shows and video games are so exciting, that children who watch them regularly are not interested in less exciting activities in real life, such as schoolw ork. Furthermore, most of the television programs are involved n rapid change in focus and frequent exposure to them may affect the childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s ability to sustain focus in any given tasks, might have a difficult time paying attention to activities that are not interesting(Swing et al., 2010).Some researches argue that violent video games and television programs lead to the poorer executive functioning of the brain and also lead to proactive cognitive control, that is related to atten...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
P Jain School Of Global Management - 1202 Words
S P Jain School of Global Management Corporate Finance Simulation Report SPJ14S3 SimH Please name your file: SPJ14S3-SimH-Bharadwaj-GMAY14IBWM051.docx Your details Student ID: GMAY14IBWM051 Family name: Bharadwaj Given name: Abhishek Word count: Insert final word count of main body including tables (max 1,500) Please use your mouse to click on the tick box for each declaration: (if the fields do not work for you then replace box with a ticked checkbox symbol ïÆ' ¾ ): Declaration ☠I have included my StudentID, Family name, Given name and Word count in the fields provided in the above table. ☠I have named my file using the file name format as specified in the instructions for this assignment: SPJ14S3-SimH-Bharadwaj-GMAY14IBWM051.docx ☠I declare that this assessment item is my own work (except where acknowledged) and has not been submitted for academic credit previously in whole or in part. a) What did you learn about capital budgeting? Capital Budgeting gives us the answer to â€Å"if it is worth putting money or capital into a project†. It is a decision making tool for a company or an individual who is looking to invest his capital and has multiple options which can be mutually exclusive or not. For example if a company is looking forward to buy a machine for its factory then is it worth it to put money into that machine and how much beneficial will that machine be to the company. All these answers are given by capital budgeting. 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The conventional wisdom suggest that loyal customers are the most profitable but recent work by Heiner Evanschitsky and John Glanfield, both now at Aston Business School suggests that this may not always be the case. To what extent do you believe customer loyalty should influence marketing strategy? Introduction The primary marketing goal of a business is to achieve customer loyalty. In order for a business to achieveRead MoreHow Rfid Can Revolutionize Supply Chain Management1360 Words  | 6 Pages9/24/2014 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT RFID technology is an emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionise supply chain management Anoop Kamboj (GMAY14IT066) S P JAIN SCHOOL OF GLOBAL MANAGEMENT Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2 How RFID can revolutionize supply chain management? .....................................................Read MoreBusiness School Model Of Marketing Management2489 Words  | 10 Pagessome extents of the standard business school model of marketing management or Kotler type approach to marketing may need some imperative reworking to make it more suitable for the majority of entrepreneurial businesses. The basic approach should be standardised as far as possible then necessary alteration. It has been assumed that in most cases the basic approach and strategy of marketing that is known as classicist philosophy of strategic marketing management is more applicable. Moreover, it canRead MoreWater Crisis2909 Words  | 12 PagesThis condition has necessitated most countries to embrace the option of underground water or desalinization to sustain the ever-increasing demand for water. Similarly, climate change has considerably contributed to the worldwide water crisis. Due to global war ming, the level of water loss on the earth’s surface has increased especially in tropical regions. This with other factors has led to water crisis. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), water crisis has been on the rise with the increase in population
Guanaco Facts (Lama guanicoe)
The gaunaco (Lama guanicoe) is a South American camelid and the wild ancestor of the llama. The animal gets its name from the Quechua word huanaco. Fast Facts: Guanaco Scientific Name: Lama guanicoeCommon Name: GuanacoBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 3 feet 3 inches - 3 feet 11 inches at the shoulderWeight: 200-310 poundsLifespan: 15-20 yearsDiet: HerbivoreHabitat: South AmericaPopulation: Over 1 millionConservation Status: Least Concern Description Guanacos are smaller than llamas but larger than alpacas and their wild counterpartsâ€â€vicuà ±as. Male guanacos are larger than females. The average adult stands 3 feet 3 inches to 3 feet 11 inches tall at the shoulder, and weighs between 200 and 310 pounds. While llamas and alpacas come in many colors and coat patterns, guanacos range from light to dark brown, with gray faces and white bellies. The coat is double-layered and thickened around the neck to protect against predator bites. Guanacos have split upper lips, two padded toes on each foot, and small, straight ears. Guanacos are adapted to live at high elevations. They have large hearts for their body size. Their blood contains about four times more hemoglobin per unit volume than a humans. Habitat and Distribution Guanacos are native to South America. They are found in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. A small population lives in Paraguay and on the Falkland Islands. Guanacos can survive in extremely harsh environments. They inhabit mountains, steppes, scrublands, and deserts. Guanco range in South America. Udo Schrà ¶ter / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike Diet Guanacos are herbivores that eat grasses, shrubs, lichens, succulents, cacti, and flowers. They have three-chambered stomachs that help them extract nutrients. Guanacos can live without water for extended periods. Some live in the Atacama Desert, where it might not rain for 50 years. The guanacos get water from their diet of cacti and lichens, which absorb water from fog. Pumas and foxes are the guanacos primary predators, aside from humans. Behavior Some populations are sedentary, while others are migratory. Guanacos form three types of social groups. There are family groups, consisting of a single dominant male, females, and their young. When males reach one year of age, they are expelled from the family group and are solitary. Solitary males eventually band together to form small groups. Guanacos communicate using a variety of sounds. They basically laugh in the face of danger, emitting a short laugh-like bleat to alert the herd. They can spit a distance up to six feet when threatened. Because they live in areas that offer little cover from danger, guanacos have evolved to be excellent swimmers and runners. A guanaco can run up to 35 miles per hour. Reproduction and Offspring Mating occurs between November and February, which is summer in South America. Males fight to establish dominance, frequently biting each others feet. Gestation lasts eleven and a half months, resulting in the birth of a single young, which is called a chulengo. Chulengos can walk within five minutes of birth. Females remain with their group, while males are expelled before the next breeding season. Only around 30% of chulengos reach maturity. The average lifespan of a guanaco is 15 to 20 years, but they may live up to 25 years. Guanaco and chulengo. Mint Images/ Art Wolfe / Getty Images Conservation Status The IUCN classifies the guanaco conservation status as least concern. The population is estimated to range between 1.5 to 2.2 million animals and is increasing. However, this is still only 3-7% of the guanaco population before Europeans arrived in South America. The population is severely fragmented. Guanacos are threatened by habitat fragmentation, competition from ranching, habitat destruction, human development, invasive species, diseases, climate change, and natural disasters, such as volcanoes and droughts. Guanacos and Humans While protected, guanacos are hunted for meat and fur. Some are killed by sheep herders, either because they are seen as competition or for fear of transmissible diseases. The fur is sometimes sold as a substitute for red fox fur. A few hundred guanacos are kept in zoos and private herds. Sources Baldi, R.B., Acebes, P., Cuà ©llar, E., Funes, M., Hoces, D., Puig, S. Franklin, W.L. Lama guanicoe. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T11186A18540211. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T11186A18540211.enFranklin, William L. and Melissa M. Grigione. The enigma of guanacos in the Falkland Islands: the legacy of John Hamilton. Journal of Biogeography. 32 (4): 661–675. March 10, 2005. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2004.01220.xStahl, Peter W. Animal Domestication in South America. In Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William (eds.). Handbook of South American Archaeology. Springer. pp. 121–130. April 4, 2008. ISBN 9780387752280.Wheeler, Dr Jane; Kadwell, Miranda; Fernandez, Matilde; Stanley, Helen F.; Baldi, Ricardo; Rosadio, Raul; Bruford, Michael W. Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 268 (1485): 2575–2584. December 2001. doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Need to Minimize Plagiarism - 761 Words
When writing scholarly work, we have most of the times based our work from experience, research, and experimentation. Most of the times, we also have tendency of using other people ideas. However when we use other people’s ideas, we have to ensure that they are given due credits for their work or idea. If that does not happen, we start flirting with cheating, dishonesty, or simply put integrity issues. Why is that? The answer to that question is plagiarism. Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional use of other people’s work or idea without giving them their due credit. This not only limited to scholarly environment, but to everything from literature to music. For example, there is a female pop star in the United States who†¦show more content†¦Walden University has a very defined code of conduct for its student body, and it our responsibility as scholar-practitioner we follow it and apply all aspect related to that. One of the most important and piece that would guaranty our academic integrity is to ensure that we are not plagiarizing (Laureate Education, 2012). Few ways, we can do that is to develop a good note taking techniques, properly citing other scholarly sources, provide concrete applicable examples, or master paraphrasing effectively. After reading the article Tainted: The manipulation of fact in America by Crossen†¨(1994), and compared it to the paragraph below, Consumers must trust that the research that has gone into the manufacture of new drugs is safe. But it is hard to know if a conflict of interest between doctors, researchers, and the drug company stockholders has tainted the results. Biomedical researchers incorporate strict rules of science into their work, which is examined by peers. Yet the resulting information can be warped for five reasons: ending a study too soon, not publishing negative results, publishing results too early, skimming over or ignoring drawbacks, and â€Å"buffing†the results by showing them in the best light (Crossen, 1994, p. 167), I noticed that the student committed plagiarism. And only cited the last sentence which failed the attempt to paraphrase. There are two sentences, which stand out more that the others. TheyShow MoreRelatedPlagiarism And Politics : Plagiarism927 Words  | 4 PagesSaroj Dahal Professor Dr. Sharon Manna GOVT 2305-71005 19 Sep, 2016 Plagiarism and politics Plagiarism is an act of stealing someone else’s original ideas or thoughts (either written or oral) and copying it either exactly in a same way or remixing it, without giving credit to the owner. In today’s world, Plagiarism is omnipresent. People try to imitate others watching them in TVs, movies, and songs which tend them to plagiarize knowingly or accidentally. 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The Characters of Portia and Calphurnia in Shakespeares...
The Characters of Portia and Calphurnia in Shakespeares Julius Caesar For thousands of years, humanity has been ruled mainly by a Patriarchal society. In this society women have often been seen as objects or inferior humans through the eyes of their male counterparts. The Elizabethan era was no exception to these beliefs, and works of literature often supported these misogynistic views. In Shakespeares Julius Caesar, however, the author appears to portray the characters of Portia and Calphurnia in a positive light, ignoring the common stereotypes often associated with female characters. Although Portia and Calphurnia have minor parts in the play, their strength is discernible. Both female characters are portrayed as†¦show more content†¦She tries to convince Brutus into divulging his secret by invoking the vows of love they made to each other, and also by begging him on her knees. Brutus shows his respect for Portia by stating, Kneel not, gentle Portia, (II, I, 300). When Brutus lifts Portia off of her knees to face him, this reve als Brutus admiration for his wife. Despite Brutus respect for his wife, he still continues to withhold his secret. Portia once again declares that as his wife she deserves Brutus respect and adoration: But, as it were, in sort or limitation, To keep with you at meals, comfort your bed, /And talk to you sometimes? Dwell I but in the suburbs/Of your good pleasure? If it be no more, /Portia is Brutuss harlot, not his wife, (II, I, 305-310). Portia is describing to Brutus that by excluding her from his secret, that she has been reduced to his concubine. Brutus responds to Portias statement by stating, You are my true and honorable wife, /As dear to me as are the ruddy drops/That visit my sad heart,(II, I, 311-313). Brutus shows that despite, his depressed state, he still loves and cares for his wife showing the mutual relationship Brutus and Portia share that is based on love. Portia still tries to uncover the cause of Brutus sorrow, and proves she is worthy of keeping a secret because of her nobleness. First she states, I grant I am a woman, but withal/A woman that Lord Brutus took to wife. /I grant I am a woman, butShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Taming Of The Shrew 2561 Words  | 11 PagesDeshal Desai Professor: Thomas Gilligan EN 358 7 August 2016 Characteristic of Women’s Taming of the Shrew: KATHERINE Negative Characteristics: Katherine is the title character (the â€Å"Shrew†) of the play. She is the eldest and unmarried daughter of Baptista. She is hot tempered and can slap people around her when they make her mad. Katherine Minola is a fiery, spirited women and seeing her such behavior, the people around her doesn’t quite know how to react with her or what to do with her. MostRead MoreJulius Caesar as the Noblest Roman of Them All Essay686 Words  | 3 PagesJulius Caesar as the Noblest Roman of Them All In William Shakespeares Julius Caesar the victorious Mark Antony calls his rival Brutus, the noblest Roman of them all. At the start of the play we witnessed Cassius persuade Brutus to join a conspiracy to kill Caesar. In my essay I intend to discuss four main characters in order to prove or disapprove Mark Antonys statement. The play starts off with Julius Caesar entering Rome after his victory in the civilRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar Essay1833 Words  | 8 Pages INTRODUCTION The seemingly straightforward simplicity of â€Å"Julius Caesar†has made it a perennial favourite for almost 400 years. Despite its simplicity, almost Roman in nature, the play is rich both dramatically and thematically, and every generation since Shakespeare’s time has been able to identify with some political aspect of the play. The Victorians found a stoic, sympathetic character in Brutus and found Caesar unforgivably weak and tyrannical. As we move into the twenty-first century, audiences
Seville Essay Example For Students
Seville Essay Spanish SEVILLA, ancient Hispalis, city and capital of the provincia of Seville, in the Andalusia comunidad aut?noma (autonomous community) of southern Spain. Seville lies on the left (east) bank of the Guadalquivir River at a point about 54 miles (87 km) north of the Atlantic, and about 340 miles (550 km) southwest of Madrid. An inland port, it is the chief city of Andalusia and the fourth largest in Spain. It was important in history as a cultural centre, as a capital of Muslim Spain, and as a centre for Spanish exploration of the New World. Seville was originally an Iberian town. Under the Romans it flourished from the 2nd century BC onward as Hispalis, and it was an administrative centre of the province of Baetica. The Silingi Vandals made it the seat of their kingdom early in the 5th century AD, but in 461 it passed under Visigothic rule. In 711 the town fell to the Muslims, and under their rule Ixvillia, as it was now called, flourished. It became a leading cultural and commercial centre under the Abbadid dynasty and the subsequent Almoravid and Almohad confederations. As the Almohad capital in the 12th century, Seville enjoyed great prosperity and ambitious building programs. But after the Muslim possession of Seville was ended in 1248 by Spanish Christians under Ferdinand III, the substantial Moorish and Jewish minorities were driven into exile, and the local economy temporarily fell into ruin. The Spanish discovery of the Americas brought new prosperity to the city. Seville became the centre of the exploration and exploitation of America through the House of Trade, which was established there in 1503 to regulate commerce between Spain and the New World. For two centuries Seville was to hold a dominant position in Spains New World commerce; it was the site of the chief mint for gold and silver from the Americas, and many Spanish emigrants to the New World sailed from its quays. Seville was in fact the richest and most populous city in Spain in the 16th century, with some 150,000 inhabitants in 1588. This brilliance was fleeting, however, since Sevilles prosperity was based almost entirely on the exploitation of the colonies rather than on local industry and trade. As a result, Sevilles economy declined in the 17th century, though its cultural life underwent a great flowering at this time. The painters Diego Vel?zquez, Francisco de Zurbar?n, and Bartolom? Esteban Murillo, th e sculptor Juan Mart?nez Montas, and the poet Fernando de Herrera are the glories of Seville and of Spain. Miguel de Cervantes conceived of his novel Don Quixote while he was confined in Sevilles jail. In the 18th century Spains Bourbon rulers managed to stimulate a limited economic revival in the city, but in the 19th century the French invasion, revolutions, and civil war halted such development. In 1847 the April Fair, an annual gala following Easter, was established. The Iberoamerican Exposition of 1929 initiated a new renaissance in Seville. During the 20th century the port was enlarged, and the city revived as an industrial and commercial centre. The Universal Exposition worlds fair opened in Seville in 1992. Sevilles many architectural monuments survived the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) intact because the city was held by the Nationalists throughout the entire conflict, and was thus never fought over. The oldest part of Seville lies on the left bank of the Guadalquivir and is irregularly planned, with a maze of narrow and twisting streets, small enclosed squares, and houses built and decorated in the Moorish style. There is a somewhat more spacious layout in the central district near the Cathedral of Santa Maria and the Alc?zar Palace. Sevilles cathedral is one of the largest in area of all Gothic churches. Most of it was constructed from 1402 to 1506 on the site of the citys principal mosque, which had been built by the Almohads in 1180-1200 on the site of an earlier Visigothic church. One of the mosques few surviving portions, its minaret, called the Giralda, was incorporated into the cathedral as its bell tower. The minaret has surfaces almost entirely covered with beautiful yellow bri ck and stone paneling of Moorish design. The main portion of the Cathedral of Santa Maria is built in the Late Gothic style of France, but its various parts display building styles ranging from the Moorish through the Gothic to the Plateresque and the Baroque. The cathedrals interior contains paintings by Murillo and Zurbar?n, among others. .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 , .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 .postImageUrl , .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 , .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99:hover , .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99:visited , .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99:active { border:0!important; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99:active , .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99 .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udd3c0078a059ebc536b4c9784bbe5d99:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Recycling Motivation A look at the factors shaping EssayThe finest survival from the Moorish period is the Alc?zar Palace, which lies near the cathedral. The Alc?zar was begun in 1181 under the Almohads but was continued under the Christians, so that, like the cathedral, it exhibits both Moorish and Gothic stylistic features. A decagonal brick tower, the Torre del Oro, once part of the Alc?zars outer fortifications, remains a striking feature of the riverbank. Other examples of Moorish building are the tower of the Church of San Marcos (once the minaret of a mosque) and two sides of the cathedrals Patio de Naranjos. Seville has many other churches built in the Gothic, Rena issance, Baroque, and Rococo styles. The Casa Lonja, adjacent to the cathedral and finished in 1599, houses the General Archive of the Indies, a superb collection of books, plans, manuscripts, and several million documents bearing on the history and administration of Spains empire in the Americas. The University of Seville, founded in 1502, is now housed in the imposing Baroque and Rococo buildings of the old Tobacco Factory, which was completed in 1757. The city museum has a fine collection of paintings of the Seville school, with works by Vel?zquez, Zurbar?n, Murillo, and Juan Vald?s Leal. Seville is still the seat of a Roman Catholic bishopric. More spacious and regular planning is found beyond the walls of the old city centre, where there are residential and industrial districts. Maria Luisa Park is a particularly beautiful park in the southern part of the city. Five miles (8 km) northwest of Seville are the ruins of the large Roman town of It?lica, which was the birthplace of the emperors Trajan and Hadrian. The remains of its amphitheatre are especially imposing. Modern Seville is the most important inland port of Spain. The ports principal exports are wines, fruit, olives, cork, and minerals. The citys industries include the manufacture of tobacco, armaments, porcelain, and agricultural machinery. Shipbuilding became a major industry after World War II, as did the manufacture of textiles from locally grown cotton. Tourism is a chief economic mainstay of the city. Pop. (1988 est.) 663,132.
Review Of Cloud Solutions And SDLC Approach My Assignment Help
Question: Review of Benefits and Disadvantages of Cloud Solutions and SDLC Approach? Answer: Introduction: The My Health Record has been the initiative by Commonwealth Government in Australia. It has been providing people with the integrated platform through online. This has helped in recording, viewing, modifying and handling the information regarding health issues. The project of My Health Record has been considering solutions to be cloud based. This has been required to be investigated. The report has discussed various non-functional requirements, review of benefits and disadvantages of cloud solutions and SDLC approach. The non-functional requirements: The cloud-based refers to the servers, resources and applications made available on demand of the users through online from the servers of the cloud computing providers. The non-functional requirements are the qualities expected to be possessed by a system. It also considers the constraints within which the system operates (Botta et al., 2016). Used to the FURPS+ acronym as the reference, the non-functional requirements have been sometimes called as the ilities. This is because it might end with the term ility like reliability, maintainability, availability and so on. Moving of My Health Record to cloud has various advantages like decreasing of capital costs, operating costs with increase in support for mobile and remote staffs. It also supports the infrastructure flexibility. As implemented appropriately, the cloud services could change the corporate view of My Health Records IT as center of cost to the competitive advantage. This would able to affect positively the top-line revenue. The project should assure that the provider of cloud service delivers the services that the company needs for running the business. This has been critical for effective migration of all the IT services to cloud. In order to ensure the proper choice, some attributes of the non-functional requirements are to be followed while evaluating the service provider (Buyya, Vecchiola Selvi, 2013). Usability: This has been different depending upon the identification of the clients. The clients might be the architects or developers, business rulers or the IT operations. In every case the company requires to consider the easy usage of the software. They must also consider how well the interfaces have been designed. The IT would be no longer secret in the company. Rather, the engaging systems have been out there for the external world. The effective designing of the systems become more significant than before. Reliability: The business-critical services have been very complicated. The business at many times could not afford to possess their services of IT going down due to an outrage impacting the business effectively. Missed calls, e-mails, unshared documents and delayed quotes could affect the top-line revue with the bottom-line costs (Toosi, Calheiros Buyya, 2014). The reliability has been concerned about decreasing the probability of the service outrage. The company should seek for the service providers that possess the least history of cloud outages. Performance: It deals with the method how well the cloud architecture has been suited for supporting the workloads deployed over it as the workloads increase. Security: One of the primary disadvantages to move to external cloud has been the poor security. As the service provider of cloud does not possess the necessary and proper security measures, the security gets compromised (Wei et al., 2014). Hence, the cloud providers should be searched for who acquires multi-factor authentication created in their service along with full encryption at-rest and in-transit for content. Here, the policies of centralized security to control the local or remote servers have also been important. As the software interfaces are considered, the reason of the linking between the system and the Google Big Table has been to put away and fetch information. The reason behind the connection between the mobile devices and systems has been to deliver the mobile access to that system. Apart from this, the system has been integrated to social media networks like Twitter and Facebook. The interfacing of the system with the users has been of two kinds. Firstly, in the system administrator interface the administrator has been privileged with permissions for accessing the overall system (Tebaa Hajji, 2014). In the organization administrator interface, the administrators get permission for modifying and accessing the overall data belonging to My Health Record they administrate. As per as the member interface is concerned, the members are able to observe and update their personal data and the profiles and the public pages of the company they were not belonging to. As the application of the project would be working over the Google App Engine there has been no existence of any particular hardware interface. Thus the non-functional requirements must consider in terms of those qualities the company want from the IT system along with the constraints they have been doing. The decision for moving into the cloud has been adding in many ways the constraints they have been doing (Chen et al., 2015). The company would not have the overall free reign to perform whatever they need if they go for off-premise cloud. This cloud has been operated by vendors but had to align the service levels provided by them. Review of cloud-based solution: The industry experts have believed that the trend of cloud computing would continue to grow and develop further. As this technology has been undoubtedly advantageous for companies of all sizes, it has not been without downsides. The various strengths and weaknesses regarding the implementation of cloud-computing have been described below (Gai et al., 2016). Strengths: Cost efficiency: Cloud computing has been likely the most cost effective strategy to utilize, keep up and update. Conventional desktop software has been costing organizations a lot in terms of economy. Including the licensing charges for various clients can turn out to be extremely costly for the establishment. The cloud, then again, is accessible at considerably less expensive rates and thus, can altogether bring down the organization's IT costs (Rittinghouse Ransome, 2016). Also, there are numerous one-time-installments, pay-as-you-go and other adaptable choices accessible, which make it exceptionally sensible for the organization being referred to. Practically Unlimited Storage: Putting away data in the cloud provides practically boundless capacity limit. Thus, My Health Record requires more need to stress over coming up short on storage room or expanding the present storage room accessibility. Reinforcement and Recovery: Since all the information is put away in the cloud, backing it up and reestablishing the same is significantly less demanding than putting away the same over physical devices. Moreover, most cloud specialist organizations are typically sufficiently equipped to deal with recuperation of data (Hwang, Dongarra Fox, 2013). Thus, this makes the whole procedure of reinforcement and recuperation substantially more straightforward than other conventional strategies for information storage. Programmed Software Integration: In cloud, the software reconciliation is normally something that happens naturally. This implies that the company does not have to take extra endeavors to tweak and incorporate the applications according to the inclinations (Leymann et al., 2014). Simple Access to Information: When the individuals enroll themselves in the cloud, they can get to the data from anyplace, where there is an Internet. This advantageous element gives the chance to move past time zone and geographic area issues. Quick Deployment: In conclusion and above all, cloud computing gives the upside of quick deploying. When anyone decides on this strategy for working, y the whole framework can be completely functional in a matter of a couple of minutes. Obviously, the measure of time taken here will rely on upon the exact type of technology needed for the business (Jula, Sundararajan Othman, 2014). Weaknesses: Technical Issues: Despite the fact the data and information on cloud can be gotten to at whatever time and from anyplace, there have been times when this framework can have some genuine brokenness. The company ought to know about the way that this innovation is constantly inclined to blackouts and other technological issues. Security in Cloud: The other significant issue while in the cloud is that of the security issues. Before receiving this innovation, the company ought to realize that they have to surrender all the sensitive data to an outsider service provider of cloud (Leymann et al., 2014). This could possibly put the organization to incredible hazard. Henceforth, they have to ensure that they pick the most dependable specialist organization, who would keep their data absolutely secure. Inclined to Attack: Putting away data in the cloud could make the organization powerless against outside hacking attacks and dangers. The SDLC approach: The Systems Development Life Cycle or the Software Development Life Cycle or SDLC has been the framework defining tasks to be done at every step in the cloud computing process. Two types of SDLC are to be discussed here. The predictive SDLC: The most prominent and surely understood predictive approach is the waterfall method. The term waterfall has turned into the token predictive strategy about debating the benefits of predictive versus adaptive (Zhang et al., 2014). The quality of a predictive approach is its emphasis on structure and keeping up a comprehensive vision of the resolution space. Its shortcoming is the unyielding thoroughness. However there is no reason not to reap what is required from these systems with an eye for general efficiencies. The adaptive SDLC: By and by, there are more than adequate in genuine cases to demonstrate that the adaptive procedures do work in the "huge." Adaptive SDLC run from the Rapid Application Development or RAD, that essentially prototypes items into reality, to Scrum, with its overwhelming dependence on group collaboration (Kalloniatis et al., 2014). This continues up to XP, which takes adaptive to the outrageous with its adaptation of combined programming and consistent surveys. These lighter and more agile system make cloud computing rapidly. Yet they do have a tendency to be somewhat strategic, frequently missing key strategic scopes. Recommendation to the SDLC for the current project: For the given project the Adaptive methodology is suggested. The adaptive methodology is also known as the agile methodology. This is because they follow Agile Manifesto which is a collection of central principles supporting iterative development. The cloud SDLC is flexible in utilizing the Agile SDLC using IBM Rational Unified Process or the SCRUM. These have been designed as an iterative approach for developing and quick deployment life-cycles. For bringing the operations on the similar table, the DevOps could be used that has to be particularized in the framework of cloud SDLC. Conclusion: Like everything the cloud computing also contains certain pros and cons. While this innovation could prove a great asset for My Health Record, it could also harm as it is misused or not understood properly. In short, the data as stored in big data center all over the globe, it could turn as the target of hackers or not used properly by the employees of providers of cloud. The professionals of My Health Record need to assure that the cloud computing never become any service used by few users. Like other innovations in this capitalized world, the cloud computing has been the first to be commercialized. Then its pros and cons are taken into the consideration. References: Botta, A., De Donato, W., Persico, V., Pescap, A. (2016). Integration of cloud computing and internet of things: a survey.Future Generation Computer Systems,56, 684-700. Buyya, R., Vecchiola, C., Selvi, S. T. (2013).Mastering cloud computing: foundations and applications programming. Newnes. Chen, M., Zhang, Y., Hu, L., Taleb, T., Sheng, Z. (2015). Cloud-based wireless network: Virtualized, reconfigurable, smart wireless network to enable 5G technologies.Mobile Networks and Applications,20(6), 704-712. Choi, C., Choi, J., Kim, P. (2014). Ontology-based access control model for security policy reasoning in cloud computing.The Journal of Supercomputing,67(3), 711-722. Gai, K., Qiu, M., Zhao, H., Tao, L., Zong, Z. (2016). Dynamic energy-aware cloudlet-based mobile cloud computing model for green computing.Journal of Network and Computer Applications,59, 46-54. Grewal, R. K., Pateriya, P. K. (2013). A rule-based approach for effective resource provisioning in hybrid cloud environment. InNew Paradigms in Internet Computing(pp. 41-57). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Hu, F., Hao, Q., Bao, K. (2014). A survey on software-defined network and openflow: From concept to implementation.IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials,16(4), 2181-2206. Hwang, K., Dongarra, J., Fox, G. C. (2013).Distributed and cloud computing: from parallel processing to the internet of things. Morgan Kaufmann. Jula, A., Sundararajan, E., Othman, Z. (2014). Cloud computing service composition: A systematic literature review.Expert Systems with Applications,41(8), 3809-3824. Kalloniatis, C., Mouratidis, H., Vassilis, M., Islam, S., Gritzalis, S., Kavakli, E. (2014). Towards the design of secure and privacy-oriented information systems in the cloud: Identifying the major concepts.Computer Standards Interfaces,36(4), 759-775. Leymann, C. F. F., Retter, R., Schupeck, W., Arbitter, P. (2014). Cloud computing patterns.Springer, Wien. doi,10, 978-3. Li, J., Li, Y. K., Chen, X., Lee, P. P., Lou, W. (2015). A hybrid cloud approach for secure authorized deduplication.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,26(5), 1206-1216. Li, Q., Wang, Z. Y., Li, W. H., Li, J., Wang, C., Du, R. Y. (2013). Applications integration in a hybrid cloud computing environment: Modelling and platform.Enterprise Information Systems,7(3), 237-271. Lu, P., Sun, Q., Wu, K., Zhu, Z. (2015). Distributed online hybrid cloud management for profit-driven multimedia cloud computing.IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,17(8), 1297-1308. Wei, L., Zhu, H., Cao, Z., Dong, X., Jia, W., Chen, Y., Vasilakos, A. V. (2014). Security and privacy for storage and computation in cloud computing.Information Sciences,258, 371-386. Zhang, H., Jiang, G., Yoshihira, K., Chen, H. (2014). Proactive workload management in hybrid cloud computing.IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,11(1), 90-100.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Statistics matter when it comes to interpreting and understanding medical issues
People visit doctors to obtain nutrition advice from them in order to gain tools that can be used to optimize health. However, it seems that certitude of health cannot be found in this manner. Apparently, all advice sought in this way is regarded as pure conjecture and educated guess work. It seems that numbers and statistics have all the answers to answers aimed towards optimizing health.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Statistics matter when it comes to interpreting and understanding medical issues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The interpretation of health tests, treatments and staying well are all based on probability and statistics. An immense measure of statistical appeal in this sense comes from numerous real examples that aid in understanding the underpinnings of health. However, statistics has the likelihood of being misinterpreted which affects attitudes in regards to survival. In his essay, Stephen G ould affirms that statistics matter when it comes to interpreting and understanding medical issues. Through the real life examples he offers, even the most reluctant person is able to see that statistics does play an important part in every area of life. According to him, survival is simply a game of probability. A person can live based on a number of factors that play a part in his or her life. At the same time, he argues that correlation is not always a function of causation. By deftly whisking his audience through the median distributions, he plunges into a lot of regression analysis that separates cause and effect. He also utilizes regression analysis as an engine to explain these two aspects quite clearly. Through this, random statistics can be obtained, which can be used for either good or evil. This apt demonstration of the success or failure of numbers and statistics is useful for interpretation of various issues. Just like statistics, he also cautions that nothing is certai n in this world, but there is also a time for everything to happen. Dunn insists that those who consider statistics useless are rebellious, and they are missing the point in many aspects. It seems that statistics is of central importance in the interpretation of both present and past events. For instance, he says that past statistics can be used to infer a present situation (Dunn n.p.). This is probably why statistics should be given a lot of importance.Advertising Looking for essay on math statistics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition to this, statistics motivate and guide both researchers and scholars as they provide the most reliable options. However, Dunn argues that statistics should be handled with a lot of care. This is because some of the information unearthed by statistical evidence can be quite grim. Statistics should be interpreted and understood in the correct way before being dismissed. Dunn further agr ees with Gould that statistics is just like probability. It should not under any circumstance be used to interpret individual preferences or lives. Statistics is but just a range of possibilities or even a chance of certain events occurring. The two essays present a nuanced and sophisticated position that recognizes the necessity of statistics or the lack of it in all aspects of life. Not only do the essays unearth significant positions of critical thinking, but they also offer ethical problems to be corrected in the society. It is evident that most doctors are trained to make the worst interpretations from statistical evidence. They do this without the consideration of differences in individuals, and they can easily mislead patients. This practice of quote mining or quoting out of context is probably what changes attitudes in patients suffering from various chronic diseases. It seems that death is inevitable once this happens. The two authors (Gould and Dunn) advice against this pr actice. The problem is the way human beings interpret statistics and not statistics itself. References Dunn, Steve. â€Å"CancerGuide.†CancerGuide: Cancer Information Page. N.p., Web. Gould , Stephen Jay. â€Å"CancerGuide.†The Median Isn’t the Message. N.p., Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Statistics matter when it comes to interpreting and understanding medical issues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Statistics matter when it comes to interpreting and understanding medical issues was written and submitted by user Zayden Tyson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Vision Essay Sample: Going Beyond the Basic Information
Vision Essay Sample: Going Beyond the Basic InformationA vision essay sample is a good way to get your students to really consider what they are writing about. A vision essay can help you outline what exactly your students should be going over when writing their senior thesis. Your goal is to ensure that you have an essay that your students are going to come back to time again. With this in mind, you need to have your student's full attention.The first thing you want to do is give the student's attention to the essay you will be giving them. Now, this doesn't mean that you have to give them exactly what they want. Instead, you want to make sure that they understand why they are writing the essay in the first place.One of the most common mistakes made by college admissions officers is making students write the essays without the knowledge of why they are doing so. This is not helpful to the students. In fact, it might even end up hurting their chances of getting accepted into college. It is best to give them some idea of why they should be writing the essay.You should take some time to sit down with your student and write out their essay. While you are writing the essay, keep track of the ideas that are flowing. After you are done writing the essay, bring up to the class and read over it.Then, ask your student to come up with some ideas for ideas that are needed. The ideas will come from the ideas that you have discussed with them earlier in the semester. If you use your imagination, you can find some really great ideas to incorporate into the essay. Then, you will want to give them a bit of time to brainstorm for what their thesis statement should be.The final paragraph of the essay should not be very long. The main idea that the student is working on should be the crux of the whole thing. The paragraph that follows should highlight some aspects of the students' ideas.Make sure that the student who is writing the essay is sincere. Many times, students are not i n the mood to write because they are worried about writing a bad senior thesis. That is why you want to ensure that the student who is writing the essay is sincere and that they truly want to share their ideas with you. You also want to make sure that they understand the purpose behind the assignment.Lastly, you want to make sure that the vision essay sample you have given your students is appropriate. The essay should include certain points but it shouldn't be too wordy or too short. Your student will definitely remember the idea that you gave them by what you use in the vision essay sample.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Free Essays on A Brief History on Comics
Comics: In the Beginning The modern comic, as we know it, began in Joseph Pulitzer's New York World on February 17,1895. The comic, drawn by Richard F. Outcault, was based on the life of Mickey Dugan, an Irish immigrant child in the city. Although the strip had no name, people have dubbed it the "Yellow Kid" because the nightshirt worn by Mickey Dugan was the projection for an experiment in yellow ink by the newspaper. Eventually the comic came to be known as "Hogan's Alley." Soon comics were recognized for the selling potential and were published in newspapers all over the world. After the success of the World, a competitor, William Randolph Herst of the New York Journal, hired Outcault to draw Hogan's Alley for Hearst's Journal. The World continued publication of the strip using a new artist, and both papers were featuring the "Yellow kid." This led to people referring to the two papers as the yellow papers. And as the battle between the press lords became more intense, peop! le began calling it yellow journalism which now has come to mean overly sensational journalism. Although Outcault won the battle over the rights of "Yellow kid," the mass marketing began. The cartoon was everywhere. Products were being produced, even cigars, bearing the "yellow kid." Soon the comic revolution began, and strips were published all over. Of these comics, "Katzenjammer Kids" drawn by Rudolph Dirks in 1897, was one of the most popular and first to regularly use voice balloons for dialogue. Outcault also continued drawing, and began a strip called "Buster Brown" which was to be a tie between the comic strip and the comic book. The mass marketing continued, and "Buster Brown" had his own line of shoes (McHam). Until 1907, comic strips ran only on Sundays. In 1907, the first daily strip appeared. "Mutt and Jeff" by Bud Fisher, began being published daily in the San Franciso Chronicle. Following that was "Bringing up Father," in 1912, and soon many other... Free Essays on A Brief History on Comics Free Essays on A Brief History on Comics Comics: In the Beginning The modern comic, as we know it, began in Joseph Pulitzer's New York World on February 17,1895. The comic, drawn by Richard F. Outcault, was based on the life of Mickey Dugan, an Irish immigrant child in the city. Although the strip had no name, people have dubbed it the "Yellow Kid" because the nightshirt worn by Mickey Dugan was the projection for an experiment in yellow ink by the newspaper. Eventually the comic came to be known as "Hogan's Alley." Soon comics were recognized for the selling potential and were published in newspapers all over the world. After the success of the World, a competitor, William Randolph Herst of the New York Journal, hired Outcault to draw Hogan's Alley for Hearst's Journal. The World continued publication of the strip using a new artist, and both papers were featuring the "Yellow kid." This led to people referring to the two papers as the yellow papers. And as the battle between the press lords became more intense, peop! le began calling it yellow journalism which now has come to mean overly sensational journalism. Although Outcault won the battle over the rights of "Yellow kid," the mass marketing began. The cartoon was everywhere. Products were being produced, even cigars, bearing the "yellow kid." Soon the comic revolution began, and strips were published all over. Of these comics, "Katzenjammer Kids" drawn by Rudolph Dirks in 1897, was one of the most popular and first to regularly use voice balloons for dialogue. Outcault also continued drawing, and began a strip called "Buster Brown" which was to be a tie between the comic strip and the comic book. The mass marketing continued, and "Buster Brown" had his own line of shoes (McHam). Until 1907, comic strips ran only on Sundays. In 1907, the first daily strip appeared. "Mutt and Jeff" by Bud Fisher, began being published daily in the San Franciso Chronicle. Following that was "Bringing up Father," in 1912, and soon many other...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Characteristics of each of the 5 kingdoms and their meanings Essay Example for Free (#5)
Characteristics of each of the 5 kingdoms and their meanings Essay Every living creature on Earth belongs to a kingdom. Scientists debate how many kingdoms there are, but most agree there are five. Here is how the five kingdoms are organized. Monera Monera are single-celled organisms that don’t have a nucleus. Bacteria make up the entire kingdom. There are more forms of bacteria than any other organism on Earth. Some bacteria are beneficial to us, such as the ones found in yogurt. Others can cause us to get sick. Protists are mostly single-celled organisms that have a nucleus. They usually live in water. Some protists move around, while others stay in one place. Examples of protists include some algae, paramecium, and amoeba. Fungi are usually motionless organisms that absorb nutrients for survival. They include mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. Plants Plants contain chlorophyll, a green pigment necessary for photosynthesis, a process in which plants convert energy from sunlight into food. Their cell walls are made sturdy by a material called cellulose, and they are fixed in one place. Plants are divided into two groups: flower- and fruit-producing plants and those that don’t produce flowers or fruits. They include garden flowers, agricultural crops, grasses, shrubs, ferns, mosses, and conifers. Animals are the most complex organisms on Earth. Animals are multi-celled organisms, eat food for survival, and have nervous systems. They are divided into vertebrates and invertebrates and include mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish. Actually, there are now six kingdoms. The five kingdom was during the 1969 and it included all the bacterias within one group. The five kingdom system is as follows: 1. Monera: Bacteria. They are prokaryotic and unicellular. They are mobile. 2. protista: Protists. They are eukaryotic. Either autotrophic, heterotrophic, or even mixotrophic. They live live as unicellular, multicellular, or even as a colony. Some are mobile while some are sessile. 3. animalia: Animals. Eukaryotic and are heterotrophic. They are all multicellular and are mobile. 4. plantae: Plants. Eukaryotic and mostly autotrophic (some parasitic plants are heterotrophic). They are multicellular and sessile. 5. fungi: Mushrooms, fungus, etc. Eukaryotic and heterotrophic. They are multicellular and sessile Characteristics of each of the 5 kingdoms and their meanings. (2016, Nov 13). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
Thursday, February 13, 2020
The start of the parole system Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The start of the parole system - Research Paper Example His release is conditional, contingent upon satisfactory behavior. He is under supervision and treatment by a person trained in parole work. Englands contribution to what later metamorphosed into parole was its program of transportation to the American colonies, a program motivated, not by humanitarian considerations, but by economic pressures. In the sixteenth century, Englands economy was in a decline. There was much unemployment. The labor market was overcrowded. In the colonies, on the other hand, there was need for cheap labor. The British government decided to grant reprieves and stays of execution to convicted felons physically able to work so that they might be shipped abroad and impressed into service. This system of deportation is part of the history of parole in that it involved mitigation of penal sentence and placement of the erstwhile prisoner in the free community. As in parole, the individual was not an altogether free person. The first English transportation law was proclaimed in 1597, authorizing deportation of rogues. In 1619 one hundred "dissolute persons" were ordered to Virginia. The government paid a contractor, usually the shipmaster, about five pounds for each prisoner so shipped. In Virginia, the offenders were put up at auction, the highest bidder winning them as indentured servants. The British government thereafter exercised no further responsibility for the welfare or control of the former prisoners, so long as they did not return to England. If they returned without authorization, they were subject to death. Boatloads of felons came over, but were not sufficient to meet the demand. Virginia thereupon began to import Negro slaves. The labor shortage eased, but the white exiles, despising their lot, fomented unrest among the blacks. This caused consternation among their masters, who could now get along without the transported convicts. Minus the white trouble-makers, they could keep the slaves
Saturday, February 1, 2020
MARKETING ISSUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MARKETING ISSUE - Essay Example These products cut an edge over the competitors in the value of technology used. Apple Company identifies whether or not it is effective in developing new products, and what impacts they have on the market. For example, this has been done through the inclusion of improvised features that the competitors have yet to develop. An example is the use of iMessage, and iCloud, which allows the users to save data through its cloud computing services. The data may include music files and video footage for download to multiple devices (Fifield, 2007). This innovative feature gives them an edge over rivals such as Motorola, Nokia, and BlackBerry. Moreover, the company has gone ahead to use intellectual rights on the product. This includes patent rights. It right protects the product from being used by other competitors or from competitors developing a similar product. For the company to acquire a large market share and increase their sales, the company has emphasized on the use of this technique of innovation to its current market status (Schnaars,
Friday, January 24, 2020
Othello - Values And Attitudes :: essays research papers
"If Othello didn’t begin as a play about race, history has made it one." The Venetian society that Othello is set in is representative of the writers context. The attitudes and values that Shakespeare reveals through the text are those same attitudes and values of Elizabethan society in England in the sixteenth-century. Although Othello is set in Venice and Cyprus, the attitudes and values shared in the text are probably reflective of the attitudes and values of Shakespeare's own society. It is difficult to assess the attitudes and values of people in sixteenth-century Britain to the relatively few blacks living amongst them. We are given an insight into those attitudes and values through the representation of race and gender in the text of Othello.These attitudes and values are indicative of what a culture believes in and supports. By the time Othello was written the English were becoming more and more aware of the existence of other races in the world besides themselves. There had been a lot of travelling and blacks were beginning to be used in Europe for the slave trade. During the time the play was written, the Queen of England had banned all blacks from entering the city. She spoke of them as "Negars and Moors which are crept into the realm, of which kind of people there are already here too many". It seems that Shakespeare is almost mocking the Queen by characterising Othello as a black man who has a high ranking position in the Army and who marries a white aristocratic women, against her fathers will. Ruth Cowlig suggests that the presentation of Othello as the hero must have been startling for Elizabethan audiences. This may have been the case, but through the representation of Othello we are able to see that some members of society such as the Duke, looked over his colour to assign him his position whereas, others such as Iago, look on his colour as a way to mock him. Hostility is shown to Othello by characters such as Iago and Roderigo. This attitude may have been encouraged by the widespread belief in the legend that blacks were descendants of Ham in the Genesis story, punished for sexual excess by their blackness. The Elizabethan's discussed at length whether this skin colour was due to life in a hot climate or whether it was a punishment for sin. To the Elizabethan's, who thought hierarchically, fair skin was the epitome of beauty and therefore dark skin ranked below it.
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