Saturday, August 31, 2019
Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper Essay
Ethics are not gained in one day. Ethics are built over time from experiences. From childhood to adulthood these learned behaviors add to traits that help shape an individual; they complete who one is and what one believes. Ethics guides individual’s understandings of the concepts of right and wrong. In everything one does, decision-making is involved. Work, school, home, and communications, ethical beliefs are challenged. Ethics guide one’s thought process for these challenges and help approach any situation long before it happens. Ethics are rules and standards governing the conduct in which one lives and makes life decisions. Building ethics is a learning process; the things one learns, as one grows, will govern and guide the rest of one’s life. Ethics are important to today’s society. Individuals tend to face stressful situations by ignoring ethics and doing their own thing. This is why ethics play a significant role in communication. Ethical communication encompasses one being honest in all communications; keeping an honest and open opinions towards others. In some business situations, ethical communication involves keeping confidential information confidential, and not discussing personal business. In the more public the position, there is a greater need for ethical principles. Ethical communication help promote access to opportunities necessary to fulfill human potential; to help contribute to business, families, communities, and society in general. Ethical communications promote caring climates and mutual understandings that respect the unique needs and characteristics of every individual. It is being committed to courageous expression of personal convictions to pursuit fairness and justice. There are various forms of ethical decision-making processes. There is Aristotle’s Mean, Confucius’s Golden Mean, Kant’s Categorical Imperative, Islam’s Divine Command, Mill’s Principl e of Utility, Rawls’s Veil of Ignorance, and Judeo-Christian Persons and Ends. A few personal favorites, Aristotle’s, Confucius’, and Mill’s process of thinking. Aristotle’s ethics fits deduces facts about the nature of the world and the nature of man by the use of reason. Aristotle’s ethics are an example of virtue ethics. Virtue ethics concentrates on the worth of the moral agent and not the consequences of his or her actions; â€Å"good cannot be identical for all men†(Learning activity- transcript ethics: what is right?, 2012). Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Confucius’s Golden Mean is a golden rule; do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself. Mill’s process of thinking; â€Å"Mill believed that every individual has sovereignty over his or her own body, psyche and spirit†(Learning activity- transcript ethics: what is right?, 2012). Mill followed more of a utilitarianism method which proposed that this principle should be used mainly in determining the value of rules such as do not kill, do not lie, do not steal, and so forth. The ethic process that I bleive to be better is John Stuart Mill’s. I choose Mill’s, because Mill believes that we as people have control over our actions and within our conscience minds, we know right from wrong. Mill’s Principle of Utility is the easiest for a majority of people to follow. It leads to morally sound decisions, handling moral dilemmas, and helps to make effective moral decisions. â€Å"The principle of utility determines the rightness of acts (or rules of action) by their effect on the total happiness†(Learning activity- transcript ethics: what is right?, 2012). For example, within everything one does decisions have to be made. Morally we know what it is right and wrong, because many individuals are brought up that way. In a business environment, every individual is personally responsible for themselves, for being honest, and respectful. As a worker, I follow not only my ethics but those of the company. â€Å"All of our directors, officers and associates must conduct themselves accordingly and seek to avoid even the appearance of improper behavior†(Code of business conduct and ethics, 2015). For example, answering the phone we are to be polite and respectful throughout the entire phone call. Customers will call to ask questions if we have a certain product in stock or the product at all. I answered the phone and was asked if there were any karaoke radios in stock. I turned to my co-worker to ask her, she replied â€Å"Just tell them no.†I was shocked at her response. Instead of telling the customer no, I put them on hold and searched myself. I knew in my conscience mind it would be wrong for me not too. I would rather speak the truth (John Stuart Mills Utility) and avoid a communication dispute later. Ethics and morals are crucial concepts in today’s world. Ethics are rules and standards governing the conduct in which one lives and makes life decisions. Ethics build traits that help shape an individual beliefs and help shape and understanding of right and wrong. Every day one’s ethics are challenged by work, school, home, and most importantly communication. It is important to understand how to react to a particular situation long before that situation happens. Building ethics and communication ethics is a learning process, but the things one learns, as one grows, will govern and guide the rest of one’s life. Living by John Stuarts Mill’s Utility can promote an environment every individual can live in of fairness and justice. References Code of business conduct and ethics. (2015). Retrieved from Big Lots Inc.: Learning activity- transcript ethics: what is right? (2012). Retrieved from University of Phoenix:
Friday, August 30, 2019
Macroeconomics and Managerial Decision Making Essay
A recession is defined as a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters (Farnham, 2014). The United States began to experience this crisis in 2007 and continued to feel its effects in early 2012 (Farnham, 2014). â€Å"Employment growth during the current recovery has been weak compared with past recoveries. It has taken nearly five years since the beginning of the economic expansion for nonfarm employment to return to its pre-recession peak†(Laderman & Leduc, 2014, para 2). New businesses or â€Å"start-ups†grew very slowly during the recovery phase. â€Å"Because start-ups generate jobs at a much faster pace than older businesses during recoveries, the account for a significant portion of job growth in the economy, even though their share of overall employment is quite small†(Laderman & Leduc, 2014, para 2). â€Å"Employment at start-ups was particularly hard-hit during the Great Recession, suffering a much steeper decline in growth compared with more mature businesses compared with start-ups in previous recessions†(Laderman & Leduc, 2014, para. 3). Healthcare is also affected by economic changes. The results are usually seen later than some other areas as during periods of layoff employees are generally afforded a severance package that covers their insurance for a period of time (Bassett, 2008). â€Å"Surgeries are one part of the health care industry that is affected by the economy. From out-of-pocket procedures like Lasik to surgeries covered by insurance, many patients are more reluctant to undergo procedures that are more expensive than a regular doctor’s visit†(Bassett, 2008, p. 19). The life insurance industry also felt a change in their capital levels in 2008 (Cooper & Frank, 2011). â€Å"Best summarized 2008 as â€Å"among the worst in memory for life/annuity operating performance† (Cooper & Frank, 2011, p. 78). Puerto Rico has been in a multiyear recession beginning in 2006 and it anticipates it will continue through 2015 with a possible end in sight beginning in 2016 (Ruiz, 2015). â€Å"Puerto Rico’s manufacturing sector has seen a sharp decline in investment since the expiration of tax-free credits in 2006, given by the US to corporations in the Commonwealth, which has been the main driver of the recession†(Ruiz, 2015, p. 1). Although the real estate market in Puerto Rico now appears to be becoming more attractive. â€Å"Puerto Rican real estate is becoming increasingly attractive, as the multiyear recession depressed price growth†(Ruiz, 2015, p. 2). A period of slow economic growth is not a good time to invest, expand, or start-up your business. Personal assets are an important part of the funding process for new businesses and the downturn of the housing market weakened the ability for many to invest, expand, or begin a young company (Laderman & Leduc, 2014). References Bassett, E. (2008). Health care sacrificed during economic slowdown. Fort Wayne Business Press, 19-19. Farnham, P.G. (2014). Economics for Managers 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Laderman, L., & Leduc, S. (2014). Slow business start-ups and the job recovery. FRBSF Economic Letter, 20. Ruiz, G. (2015). Consumption weak despite a recovery in investment. Latin American Monitor, 1-2.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Beginning Of Christianity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Beginning Of Christianity - Research Paper Example ctions and ministries that the disciples themselves initiated as a means to fulfill this grand commission that they had received from Christ during his earthly ministry. Furthermore, the outpouring the Holy Spirit during Pentecost was merely a sign that the earliest beginnings of Christianity and the movement to become fishers of men had initiated as Christ noted during his earthly ministry that just such an occurrence would take place as a means to help spread the gospel message. The earliest history of the church relates how it grew from what could be described as a 1st century Jewish following to an inclusive religion that sought to engage gentiles within the ranks to the very same extent that Christ himself had focused upon the Jews within Israel. As the message was destined for all peoples, the gospel commission exhorted the disciples and fellow believers to engage with diverse peoples the world over and seek to engage them with the New Testament gospel that Christ imparted to the early church. As a function of this, the disciples spread out over various parts of the Middle East, Asia Minor, parts of Africa, and Southern Europe as a means to accomplish such an end. Although Christ spent almost all of his earthly ministry appealing to the Jewish community to accept the Savior that was sent to them, the disciples were charged with expanding upon the converts that they sought and therefore the dawn of Pentecost, the revelation of the Holy Spirit, and the ab ility to speak with different nations with the gift of tongues provided the clear break from the past that helped to define the early church and the beginnings of Christianity. Although the early apostles were themselves invariably ethnically Jewish, the great commission extended outside of the Jewish ethnicity and demanded that these apostles interact with and engage members of diverse groups outside of which they would not otherwise likely have any degree of contact. In this manner, the earliest church
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Famous Spech From History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Famous Spech From History - Essay Example Instead of the formal ‘Ladies and Gentlemen,’ the way he addressed the audience itself was highly stimulating. ‘Sisters and Brothers of America,’ he exposed the broad Vedantic concept of human brotherhood to the audience of seven thousand people and received a standing ovation that lasted for three minutes. Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest religious reformers of India was born in Calcutta in 1863. His family name was Narendranath Datta. He was the son of a distinguished lawyer and his mother was a religious lady. Since his childhood he displayed extraordinary intelligence in his studies and other activities. At the age of 15 he experienced a spiritual elation and began to seek the Divine truth. Yet he was always unconvinced of traditional religious practices and longed for acquiring more spiritual insights. In 1881 he met the well known Hindu saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and that was in fact the turning point in his life. Ramakrishna identified the unusual personality and invited him to join his mission. Later in 1885, when Ramakrishna died he became the leader of the Ramakrishna Order. He proclaimed peace and human brotherhood not only in India but also in many of the European countries and in the United States. He worked hard for the spiritual uniqueness of Indian culture. Besides his spiritual mission he worked as a social reformer who stood against the caste discrimination, and for the eradication of poverty and illiteracy from India. Many of the political leaders, thinkers and philosophers were highly influenced by his doctrines. His fame brought him the opportunity to represent India in the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893. It was indeed a major breakthrough for the acceptance of his doctrines in America and in many other countries all over the world. As mentioned earlier, he addressed the Americans as his ‘brothers and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci - Essay Example Actually, Mona Lisa was not also famous until nineteenth century when some of the artists who were believed to be in a symbolist movement began appreciating it. This portrait has been in existence for many years that even the artists wonder. This is one of the reasons as to why a lot of speculation is being carried out concerning Mona Lisa. Subject and title According to the researches carried out by various artists, the name given to Leonardo da Vinci’s portrait belonged to one of the members of the Gherardini family. This family comprised of Tuscany, Florence and a very wealthy merchant’s wife by then. This portrait was actually meant for the celebration of their second born and their new home. There are those artists who do not also agree to this concept and are arguing out that the name was derived from an Italian word â€Å"Madonna†which means â€Å"my lady†. Though these ideological differences tend to exist among artists, the fact remains that the name was from the Gherardini family (Claire, 425). This is so because of the ascertainment of identity that was made at the University of Heidelberg. Aesthetics A pyramid design was used by Leonardo to put Mona Lisa calmly in the space of the art. The folded hands of Mona Lisa make the uppermost corner of the pyramid. The glow of light on her hands tends to be in the same model with that of the neck and breast. The same light provides an underlying geometric spheres and circles to the variety of living surfaces. By doing this kind of setting, Leonardo wanted to make a good visual impression to the observers. The portrait of Mona Lisa seems a live to most of the views or observers. Leonardo achieved this by not drawing or including outlines in his painting. Researches show that Leonardo was the first artist to use the aerial perspective whereby Mona Lisa in the painting is portrayed to be seated in a loggia that is open and with dark pillars. The background of the portrait was also d esigned in a way that may artist think to be a Chinese style. Mona Lisa actually a portrait that speaks out some of the traits in relation to its design. The smile on her face actually shows that she is a woman that is full of joy and intelligent. On the other hand, the posture at which she sits also shows how she is in a cool and free atmosphere. Leonardo achieved all these by the colors he used on the portrait. Each color had its effect on the picture and this is one of Leonardo’s success tips. Frame In history, Mona Lisa has been into many frames of difference materials. This is because the portrait underwent some warping because it changed with humidity (Kemp, 302). The warping was mainly experience during the World War II. Mona Lisa was fitted in beech crosspieces in the year 1951 but this did not prevent it from warping as the crosspieces were infested with insects after some time. After testing all the materials, the portrait was later fitted into a metallic frame that prevented it from warping. The frame in this case acts as a protector to the portrait as it prevents breakage. Even though the frames were fitted one after the other, no part of the portrait was trimmed and this was to maintain the originality of the portrait. Conclusion All the three parts
Monday, August 26, 2019
The ubiquitin system, disease and drug discuvary Essay
The ubiquitin system, disease and drug discuvary - Essay Example Ub as a protein is heat stable in nature that formulate into a compact global structure. Ub can be seen in all cells and has the capability to exist in free form or with other cells in a complex nature. When existing with other cell it is attached to protein in a covalent state along the glycine at the C-terminal end of ubiquitin and lysine. However, single ubiquitin molecules can be seen conjugated with lysine of these protein.Ub has a role to play in many cell processes. For example, during the GI phase of mitosis,Ub is coupled to the cyclin protein, thus play an important role in regulating the cell cycle. The coupling of Ub is also seen in, DNA repair, the regulation of transcription, programming cell death and embryogenesis. It is a family of genes which encodes Ub and has fusion proteins as it translation products. The protein in Ub exists in a linear chain of amino acids. This linear chain of amino acids can degrade over time and it is called protein - turnover. The concentration of protein in the cell is determined by the balance between the synthesis and protein degradation in a cell. It has been understood by studies on protein turnover rate that some protein are short lived where as others live for long duration. Majority of protein in the cell is comprised of long lived protein. However, the main regulatory are the shorlived protein but they are abnormal proteins. The short-lived protein are easily prone to degradation because they get partially unfold. The Ub by regulating degradation of certain protein regulate the protein turnover in a cell. This kind of regulatory action is necessary in a cell. The regulating protein degradation has the ability to avoid a protein which regulates other necessary function in a cell. This kind of control is necessary in a cell as the disposal of this kind of regulatory protein helps in the cessation of processing of the regulatory protein. Inactivation of protein is also performed by
Sunday, August 25, 2019
6.Critically evaluate the contribution of different feminist Essay
6.Critically evaluate the contribution of different feminist approaches to the discipline of Sociology - Essay Example usually emphasize on the ‘male domination of society’ (Kirby, 2000, p.90) trying to explain the causes for various social phenomena; the above method of explaining the development of social facts leads to the justification of certain social facts and the ignorance of others; it is mentioned, for instance, by Kirby (2000) that feminist approaches are used in order to explain the abuse of women by men but there is no reference to the opposite phenomenon. Despite their weaknesses, the feminist approaches have contributed to the development of sociology but this contribution has different aspects and consequences in the context explained below. Feminist perspectives in sociology are likely to have a specific theoretical form; this form is usually depended on the social theory on which these perspectives are based; the above fact is made clear in the study of Rege (2003) where it is noted that ‘a popular method of categorizing feminist theory has been the hyphenated approach: liberal, radical, Marxist, socialist, postmodern and black feminisms’ (Rege, 2003, p.51The development of feminist approaches in sociology has led to severe conflicts among researchers that study the specific field; more specifically, it has been supported that the existence of feminist approaches implies that in sociology there are also ‘masculine’ approaches (Hage, 1994, p.140); this fact leads to the assumption that social theories are not based on the observation and objective interpretation of social phenomena but they are likely to be influenced by the gender of the sociologist involved. This assumption could lead to the decrease of quality and validity of social theories. The above view would also imply that theories that are quite known and which are not characterized as based on a feminist approach of social phenomena, for instance the positivism, cannot be used in order to explain social conditions or actions that are related to women – for example the role of the women in
Management and Leadership Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Management and Leadership Development - Essay Example In accordance with the traditional concepts of a leader, he/she is the one with a forceful attitude, who allocates clear agenda and expects his subordinates or followers to carry out and follow his/her commands without imposing any questions. However, in the fast changing commercial environment of the present day, with economic uncertainty ascertaining additional pressure, a single style of leadership does not efficiently match in every situation. Leaders of the present situation should be very much willing to adapt themselves to the various complex situations and simultaneously modify their various techniques and strategies. The truly charismatic leaders use their exquisite personality to charm over their followers and captivate the listeners. This particular form of ability to be able to inspire a strong feeling of attraction is liable to both positive and negative effects. Charismatic leaders are essentially good narrators and draw upon shared imagery to create a feeling of common purpose among its followers. The current American president, Barrack Obama, thoroughly demonstrated this particular phenomenon during his election campaign. Amongst all, one American citizen pointed out that the president’s most efficient talent was his natural ability to communicate difficult ideas comprehensively to his followers, rather than using the much popular yet complicated political words like other ministers practices vividly (The changing face of leadership, n.d., p. 22). Mabey and Lees (2007) in their research proposed that, management development is a potent and high profile human resource activity, involving some of the organizations key players and attracting high investment both in terms of corporate budgets and expectations. For this reason alone, management development requires sustained scrutiny. In the bureaucratized organization, the managers had responsibility for well defined roles such as planning, budgeting, controlling, staffing, and problem solvin g. In the present condition, very few organizations fit to this description of predictability. The decreasing numbers employed in workplaces, and the decline in the number covered by system of consultation and negotiation, have shifted the manager’s power base from positional to personal (Mabey, Lees, 2007, pp.3-4). According to Cornish, transitions and modification in leaderships are fundamental moments in the life span of an organization, and paying adequate attention to them benefits the business organization. However, inspite of having more than sufficient evidence in support to their creation, almost less than 30 percent of the freshly hired employees are devoid of any kind of integration plan. For the women executives who are freshly appointed, the upcoming challenge is much greater. For example in the USA, where 46 percent of the working people are of feminine gender, mere 3 to 5 percent have made it to the upper level of the management in an organization in their corp orate life. Even in this modern world, women are still vulnerable to different organizational barriers towards advancement, which includes, very few role models to whom they can look up to, excluding women from important and essential networks, gender stereotypes and the unavoidable problem of dual role of a woman, i.e. in her corporate life and family life. But this dismal situation can be averted by assigning sponsors to fast track women,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Business Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Business Intelligence - Essay Example The main thing here is not structure but rather the application of an integrated organizational system which is capable of aligning vital attributes necessary to leadership and accountability (Blumberg & Atre, 2003). In an economy where speed and adaptability can make or break a business enterprise much like TESCO, companies can only win and as a result, stay profitable through proper organization â€â€and keep on making profits. As TESCO grew over the years, it has become more complex, thus as a result, their capacity for quick response and adaptability to change gets stretched thin. As a supermarket, TESCO thus had to deal with a global playing field, since customers are separating into smaller compact units. Data cascades into TESCO, at the risk of being vague regarding meaningful information. Executives in this supermarket chain may find themselves scrambling to react. It is the organization which holds the key (Power, 2010). What will help TESCO set itself apart and become among the top performers is solely based on the quality of their decision making. The key to revive TESCO is to restructure their whole organization so that they will be able to make the most important decisions well while executing them quickly and consistently. It has frequently been found again and again that TESCO’s main rivals like Sainsbury, which announced UK sales growth to be 1.9% for the second quarter, is a worthy competitor since it has proved to be a decision-driven organization, founded on the pillars of effective decision making and flawless execution. TESCO’s governing body should take it into more consideration that making good decisions simply means being clear about which decisions matter most. This requires getting the right people to focus on those decisions at the right moment in time (Rud, 2009). In order to go back to the winning ways, TESCO will have
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